Our Program
At Princeton Weight Management Center, we are dedicated to your total health. We have developed valuable expertise in teaching you exactly what you need to know to manage your weight and total wellbeing. As a member of our program, you will work with a professionally trained health educator/coach who will guide you through learning essential behavioral skills. We will work with you to reach your weight and health management goals utilizing specific, proven strategies to teach you important life-long skills to meet your goals.
Our Team
Our multidisciplinary staff has advanced degrees and specialized training in behavior modification, weight management, and physical activity strategies. This team includes physicians, nurses, dietitians, and health educators who are eager to teach you the necessary skills for long term weight and health management.
Our Philosophy
We believe that successful weight management is a matter of learning and practicing new skills – not willpower. We focus on teaching new skills that will improve both weight management and overall health. HMR is not a deprivation diet. Our goal is to have patients feel full and satisfied while they are losing weight through the use of meal replacements.